Student Readings

What Color is Your Aura?
Having an aura reading from the students who are currently in the Clairvoyant Awareness Program can be a “sixth-eye” opening experience. There are usually two or three student readers reading under the supervision of a graduate student or a teacher.
They'll acknowledge your unique inner gifts and help you see where you are and what you're going through right now.
In a Clairvoyant reading, you get to sit back, relax and discover what your aura says about you.
Readings from Our
The student readings have three parts. The first part is a “Rose Reading,” which is a look at where you are on your spiritual path. The second part is a reading of the seven layers of your aura. Each layer pertains to a different area of your life. The third part is an opportunity to ask any questions that you bring in with you. You will receive a ton of specific, valuable information regarding your life, your feelings, and your own clairvoyant abilities.
- Student readings cost $40 and last about 60 minutes.
- Readings are Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm. By appointment only.
- Select “Aura Readings (CAP Students)" from the Booking Calendar.
- You can book a reading up to three months in advance.