

Everyone Is Welcome

Since 2006 Psychic Awakenings has trained thousands of students on how to bring their intuitive and psychic gifts to the surface and how to use them in their everyday life.

In our comprehensive, step-by-step, fun curriculum we will share our expertise and hands-on techniques for developing the confidence and skill you need to receive psychic information for yourself and others.

  • All classes are now done in person with a Zoom option.
  • The four foundation classes are each six weeks long.
  • Evening classes are from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.
  • Saturday classes are from 1:00 to 3:00 pm..
  • Class start dates are subject to change. Any changes will be announced on this page.
  • The tuition for Psychic Tools 101 includes one free workshop and one free reading from our clairvoyant students.
  • Pay in full for both Psychic Tools 101 and 102 by the second week of Psychic Tools 101 and receive a discount and two free Workshops of your choice ($540 for both classes, plus two workshops, a savings of $130).


Psychic Tools 101

This class will start you on your path. You will learn simple, effective techniques for becoming more aware of your own intuition, energy levels, and personal space. It will give you a strong foundation of knowing yourself, which is an essential first step before reading and healing for other people.

  • Tune into your psychic abilities
  • Ground your body, aura, and personal power
  • Replenish your energy
  • Enhance your clarity
  • Protect your space
  • Use Psychic Meditation to make contact with your guides
  • Release unwanted energies
  • Deprogram limiting beliefs
  • Protect yourself from being programmed by other people
  • Use the tools in your everyday life


  • Saturdays, Sep 7 - Oct 12, 1pm - 3pm
  • Thursdays, Oct 31 - Dec 12, 7-9pm  


  • Wednesdays, Jan 8 - Feb 12, 7-9pm
  • Tuesdays, Mar 4 - Apr 8, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays, May 3 - Jun 7, 1 - 3pm
  • Thursdays, Jun 26 - Jul 31, 7-9pm
  • More dates will be posted later


Psychic Tools 102


This class is a continuation of Psychic Tools 101. Now that you have become aware of your psychic abilities it's time to expand your awareness and start building your trust in the information that's coming through.

  • Clear energy in your home and at work
  • Have prosperity and abundance in your life
  • Manifest more of what you need and want
  • Give and receive spiritually
  • Know which problems are yours to solve and
    which are not
  • Use non-resistance to create your life
  • Clear physical and emotional pain
  • Vibrate in present time to access your personal power
  • Clear the communication between spirit, body and mind
  • Clear and own your own emotions and feelings


  • Tuesdays, Sep 3 - Oct 8, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays, Nov 2 - Dec 14, 1-3pm


  • Thursdays, Jan 9 - Feb 13, 7-9pm
  • Wednesdays, Mar 5 - Apr 9, 7-9pm
  • Tuesdays, Apr 29 - Jun 3, 7-9pm
  • Saturdays, Jun 28 - Aug 2, 1-3pm
  • More dates will be posted later

Healing HANDS 1

Healing Hands 1


Your hands are also sensitive psychic tools! By using your hands you become more familiar with different energies. This is an excellent way to experience and start to read energy. “Feeling” the energy will help to make it more real for you, especially if you don’t yet think you can “see” anything.

  • Prevent taking on other people's illnesses and problems
  • Create a safe environment conducive for doing
    healing work
  • Cleanse chakras, energy channels and the seven layers
    of the auras
  • Communicate and work with your Healing Master and
    Psychic Surgeon
  • Manage your healing abilities so that you do not have
    to heal everyone you meet


  • Wednesdays, Sep 4 - Oct 9, 7-9pm


  • Saturdays, Jan 11 - Feb 15, 1 -3 pm
  • Thursdays, Mar 6 - Apr 10, 7 - 9pm
  • Wednesdays, Apr 30 - Jun 4, 7 - 9pm
  • Tuesdays, Jun 24 - Jul 29, 7 - 9[m
  • More dates to be posted later

Healing Hands 2

Healing Hands 2


This class is a continuation of Healing Hands 1. Now that you have become aware of how to used your hands as a psychic tool it's time to expand your awareness and start building trust in the information that is coming through.

  • Meet your "Psychic Surgeon" spirit guide to help you
    do healings
  • Release cords and heal auras
  • Heal your body-being communication
  • Do long-distance healings
  • Perform Lightworking and healing the planet
  • Work with multiple guides
  • Do healings that energize you too


  • No class in September
  • Wednesdays, Oct 30 - Dec 11, 7-9 pm


  • Saturdays, Mar 8 - Apr 12, 1 - 3pm
  • Thursdays, May 1 - Jun 5, 7 - 9pm
  • Wednesdays, Jun 25 - Jul 30, 7 - 9pm
  • More dates to be posted later

Awareness Program

Clairvoyant Awareness Program

PRE-REQUISITE: PSYCHIC TOOLS 101. The three other foundation classes are required, but can be taken concurrently with the CAP.

The Clairvoyant Awareness Program is an eleven-month program where you will learn how to read auras and do advanced healings. It runs each year from September through the following July. The students have class once a week and come read once a week. They also participate in Healing Clinics and Workshops. During the process of learning how to read energy, you will also experience much personal, spiritual and emotional growth. You will learn how to spiritually communicate with others in a way that will guide them along their spiritual path.

You will learn to use your clairvoyance to “see” the aura’s seven layers. You will also see how each person’s inner world is full of colors, past life symbols, and spirit guides.

In this eleven month program you will learn how to:

  • Read the colors in an aura, and what they mean
  • Communicate spiritually with other people
  • Find your own truths about the meaning of your life
  • Read past-lives and spirit guides
  • Create healthy, energetic boundaries
  • Validate your own clairvoyance
  • Find your own spiritual freedom to be, do and have

The next CAP will start September, 2025 and run through July, 2026.

For more information, contact

Psychic Tools 101 was an amazing class! I was so impressed by how I felt and the clarity I gained through this class. Fortunately, I found this school at a very crucial time in my life. I was going through a divorce and received invaluable readings and healings from Madeline. I learned and grew so much from the foundation classes, so I signed up for the Clairvoyant Awareness Program. What I learned at Psychic Awakenings has been life-changing and has helped to set me on my current life path that is truly more than I could have dreamed possible.

Katherine Jenkins

I am now much more sensitive to energy, more in my body, and better able to manage my space and challenges. This was the best money I have ever spent. I know I've cleared away so much emotional baggage like false stories, programming, and unconscious behaviors that used to fill my space and life. Madeline is amazing. She is there to help you whenever you need it. She cares about what is going on with you. We had a classmate pass away, and rather than continue with the curriculum, we had a special class dedicated to speaking with him from beyond. It helped us all tremendously move along in our grief and closure.  

Nicole G.

Here I find creative and adaptive opportunities for learning ways to develop natural psychic abilities. I always look forward to session time knowing I'll enjoy my time here and come away feeling enriched and rewarded. Staff share their knowledge very generously and create a welcoming environment that is comfortably personal, accessible, and accommodating. Learning session content is interesting, well-planned, and engaging. 


The Clairvoyant Awareness Program not only gave me experience in reading for others, but also took me deeper into my own healing journey. As an energy healer, you must first learn how to heal and own your own space before you can help anyone else. This period of time was the most accelerated spiritual growth I have ever experienced. I will always recommend classes at psychic awakenings for anyone who is an empath like myself, or interested in learning how to give readings or healings.

Erin W.

I took Madeline’s CAP course 13 years ago (as well as the Psychic Tools and Healing series) and have been using the skills and techniques I learned in those courses every day of my life since then. I can’t imagine myself ever *not* using what I learned during my time at Psychic Awakenings. Truly beneficial and life-changing education for those seeking a spiritual path or who want better control over their own energy in this crazy world. 

Margit A.

If you’ve ever believed you were psychic or had some type of abilities, this class will show you how to find them and acknowledge your gifts. Since taking classes I’ve become more grounded. I feel more in tune with myself and that I have more self-love and appreciation for my spirit. I am faster to recognize when I am getting a psychic tip and I trust my own intuition and gut feelings much more. Emotionally I am better able to protect myself from others' energy, and I recognize and feel my emotions more freely. Sarah is amazing!

Olivia Nagler

The Clairvoyant Awareness Program (CAP) was life-changing and opened up a whole new magical and spiritual world that I didn’t know existed for me. Through the program, I learned how to tap into and trust my clairvoyant abilities, which I regularly use to help guide me in life. It also deepened my trust in and connection to the spirit world. I especially enjoyed the many opportunities that we were given to read and heal both our classmates as well as members of the community and participate in a variety of workshops to learn about other topics related to healing and energy.


Before I went to Psychic Awakenings my biggest challenge was speaking up for myself, setting boundaries, and saying no. I was always trying to please others. As a result, it left me feeling drained and depleted and often times resentful. After taking the Clairvoyant Awareness Program (CAP), I was able to release family programming that kept me stuck in the same old pattern. CAP was the best thing that I ever could have done for myself. Now I am more grounded, own my space, and feel that I can be my true, authentic self. I do things just for me and don't allow others to influence my decisions.


In taking Healing Hands I and II, I had to learn to let go of the part of my brain that analyzes everything, all the time. After a few weeks, it felt natural to operate in this new way and to trust my hands as an extension of my natural healing ability. Amazing and wonderful set of classes!


I’m really enjoying taking psychic tools class 101. One of my biggest challenges was protecting myself spiritually. The last few weeks have helped me learn how to ground and protect myself the correct way. I was having a lot of psychic attacks in the past and I didn’t understand why. Now I've been practicing what she has taught us and I haven't had an attack since and that's a big deal for me.



I learned about grounding my body in the Psychic Tools class and use it every day to feel safe. My most amazing experience with grounding is when I use it on airplanes. Every time the plane hits turbulence, I ground the whole plane and the turbulence stops immediately. It works every time!

Sherry W.